In an era defined by globalization and post-colonial dynamics, the intricacies of foreigners’ law have become increasingly critical. Nowhere is this more apparent than in countries like Turkey, where historical migrations and geopolitical positioning necessitate robust legal frameworks. However, despite these imperatives, the development of foreigners law in Turkey has lagged behind. Recognizing this gap, there’s a pressing need for legislative reforms, particularly within the framework of the Foreigners and International Protection Law (known as MÖHUK in Turkish). For those delving into this legal landscape, understanding practical aspects is paramount.

In this series of articles, the aim is to provide pragmatic insights into foreigners’ law, steering away from abstract discussions and instead focusing on tangible issues faced by individuals and legal practitioners. The first installment explores key topics including residence permits, deportation, INAD passengers, administrative detention, and entry bans.


Here’s short description about Foreigners and Citizenship Law in Turkey;

Residence Permit

Obtaining a residence permit is often the entry point into the labyrinth of foreigners law. The process, in theory, appears straightforward: schedule an appointment with immigration authorities, gather requisite documentation, attend the appointment, and submit the paperwork. However, the devil lies in the details.

One crucial consideration is the type of residence permit application. The Foreigners and International Protection Law delineates various categories, each tailored to specific circumstances. Choosing the appropriate category demands a nuanced understanding of the client’s situation to avoid potential pitfalls.

Recent shifts in immigration policies have heightened scrutiny, particularly concerning short-term permits and those sought for educational purposes. Understanding these evolving dynamics is paramount to navigating the application process successfully.

Moreover, the acquisition of real estate worth a specified amount has emerged as a popular route to securing residence permits. However, adherence to regulations regarding property valuation and documentation is imperative to prevent complications.

Deportation Decision, INAD Passengers, and Entry Bans


For those who run afoul of residency regulations or commit other infractions, the specter of deportation looms large. Understanding the nuances of deportation procedures is essential, particularly concerning voluntary departure versus forced removal.

Individuals facing deportation may also confront entry bans, further complicating their legal status. Entry bans are imposed based on the duration and severity of infractions, with avenues for appeal within administrative courts.

Challenges arise for those caught in limbo, detained in repatriation centers awaiting deportation. Conditions within these facilities often fall short of acceptable standards, underscoring the urgency of legal intervention.

Navigating the labyrinthine terrain of foreigners’ law demands not only legal acumen but also a keen awareness of evolving policies and regulations. Practical insights gleaned from real-world experiences are invaluable in guiding clients through the complexities of residency, deportation, and entry bans.

As the series progresses, I will delve into additional topics encompassing commercial law, tax law, contract law, and other intersecting domains. My aim remains steadfast: to equip legal practitioners, both novice and seasoned, with the tools needed to navigate the intricate terrain of foreigners law in Turkey and beyond. Stay tuned for further insights and practical guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the law of foreigners and international protection in Turkey?

The law of foreigners and international protection in Turkey regulates the principles and procedures for foreigners’ entry, stay, and exit from the country, as well as the scope and implementation of protection for those seeking refuge.

What is article 32 in Turkey?

Article 32 in Turkey outlines the conditions for issuing short-term residence permits, requiring applicants to assert grounds listed in Article 31 and submit relevant information and documents, while also not falling under the scope of Article 7.

How much is the fine for overstaying in Turkey?

The fine for overstaying in Turkey ranges from 100 to 1000 Turkish liras per day, depending on the duration of the overstay.


If you need more information on this issue, you can get support from Alfalaw. Remember, accurate information and professional help are the most effective ways to solve problems. Contact us immediately.