De gevolgen van het niet maken van bezwaar tegen een deskundigenrapport in een juridische procedure

De gevolgen van het niet maken van bezwaar tegen een deskundigenrapport in een juridische procedure

The Implications of Failing to Object to an Expert Report in Legal Proceedings The Implications of Failing to Object to an Expert Report in Legal Proceedings Expert witness testimony plays a crucial role in legal proceedings, particularly in cases that require specialized technical knowledge beyond the scope of the law. It can be invoked at […]

Een consensuele echtscheidingsovereenkomst opstellen: Een gedetailleerde aanpak

Drafting a Consensual Divorce Agreement: A Detailed Approach A consensual divorce, as outlined in Article 166/3 of the Turkish Civil Code, is one of the general grounds for divorce. It is also considered one of the absolute grounds for divorce. One of the greatest advantages of this type of divorce is its relatively shorter duration compared […]

Beslissing tot nietigverklaring van de bepaling inzake de opschorting van de uitspraak van het arrest

Decision Annulling the Provision Governing the Suspension of the Pronouncement of the Judgment Objective: The objective of the decision is to annul the provision in Article 231/11 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CCP) that allows the suspension of the pronouncement of the judgment in criminal cases under certain conditions. Scope: The scope of the decision is to examine […]

Termination Of Rental Agreements Due To Tenant-Related Reasons

Termination Of Rental Agreements Due To Tenant-Related Reasons Renting a property involves a web of legal intricacies, rights, and responsibilities. In Turkey, understanding these nuances is pivotal for both landlords and tenants. The Turkish Civil Code governs the termination of rental contracts due to various factors, such as breaches, property misuse, or rent arrears. This […]

Preventing Encroachments on Real Property Possession through Administrative Proceedings

Preventing Encroachments on Real Property Possession through Administrative Proceedings When a person is in possession of a real property (which refers to individuals or legal entities who physically possess the real property to derive some benefit or interest from it), and any encroachment or interference occurs by third parties, the individuals in possession of the […]

Wijzigingen in de regelgeving met betrekking tot koopovereenkomsten voor onroerend goed die door notarissen worden opgesteld

Changes Regarding The Regulation on Real Estate Sales Contracts Issued by Notaries The Regulation on the Principles and Procedures Applied to Real Estate Sales Contracts Issued by Notaries, which was published on January 11, 2023, in the Official Gazette, introduces significant changes to ensure transparency, security, and efficiency in real estate transactions conducted through notaries in Turkey. […]

Precedentbeslissing van het Hooggerechtshof: Voorzichtig voor wie huur van de bank stuurt

Precedent Decision from the Supreme Court: Caution for Those Sending Rent from the Bank Amid ongoing debates regarding substantial increases in rental amounts, a landmark decision, which bears significant implications,  has emerged from the General Assembly of the Court of Cassation. The Supreme Court ruled that in cases where rental payments are transferred to bank […]

The Rule Requiring A Woman To Take Her Husband’s Last Name Is Cancelled

THE RULE REQUIRING A WOMAN TO TAKE HER HUSBAND’S LAST NAME IS CANCELLED The Constitutional Court has decided that the first sentence of Article 187 of the Turkish Civil Code dated 22/11/2001 and numbered 4721 is unconstitutional and annulled. this change was made on 22/2/2023, in the file numbered E.2022/155. Contact our experts in Civil Law for more […]

Drug Substances Will Be Disposited Before The Investigation Or Proceeding Is Claimed

MANDATORY MEDIATION IN LEASE DISPUTES HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED ALONG WITH OTHER CHANGES “The Law on the Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law”” which includes new regulations in the judiciary, and the “Law on Amending Some Laws”, entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette. With the law prepared by the Ministry of Justice, a postponement […]

Mediation as a Prerequisite for Negative Declaratory Actions and Annulment of Objection and Restitution Lawsuits Concerning Employee or Employer Receivables and Compensation

Mediation as a Prerequisite for Negative Declaratory Actions and Annulment of Objection and Restitution Lawsuits Concerning Employee or Employer Receivables and Compensation What Includes The New Development In The Scope Of Employee Or Employer Receivables And Compensation Within Labor Law? Law No. 7445 on the Amendment of the Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law and Certain Laws […]


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